Hi, All. We can't figure out why there is an underline under our typing. Just being dogs, it is beyond our body of knowledge.
So, Oh, okay. The line went away! Well, anyway, as you can see, I was helping Dad find the campground. I took my car riding medication before we left home, so I was feelin' fine about the trip. I love camping, I just don't love getting there!

Here is me and Bella waiting for Dad to come back from checking us in at the campground. WHAT TOOK HIM SO LONG, we don't know. We were ready to get OUT of the truck and smell the new place.
So, there... Oh my, the line is back! Sorry. Anyway, here's me and Bella watching Momma and Poppa set up camp. IE: Back the camper up and plug it in so we have air conditioning. Life is hard.
Here's the... Oh, I give up! Line is gone now. Who knows! Maybe my fat pawpads are hitting some button??? Anyway, as I was baying, here's the view from our campsite. We were at Pawnee State Rec Area near Lincoln, Nebraska. Anyone from there? Its a really nice campground and park.

So, the next morning, our whole family went for a walk down the trail to the lake. Here's Bella checking it out. We couldn't get in to swim because they had something they called Toxic Blue-Green Algae. Yuck!

We were feelin pretty frisky and decided to wrastle, but Momma and Poppa said no. Not while we were on leash. We said, okay, let us off the leashes, but they said it wasn't allowed, and they didn't trust us. Something about park rules, and about us chasing bunnies and disappearing forever? Who knows. Tee hee hee.
I decided to wade through the tall weeds. It made me feel like a real hunting beagle! Barooooo!
Look how happy I am! I have a smile from ear to floppy ear!
One last look at the lake before we head back up the trail to our campsite for a nappie.
We took a slightly different path back, and went past this really stiff guy holding up a stiff eagle. Momma said that's probably a statue of a Pawnee chief. He looked like he was carved right out of a tree! Momma wanted us to sit nicely in front of poppa for this picture, but as you can see, we had other ideas! We saw a Chihuahua and just HAD to watch him and let him know he had k-9 supporters in camp!
We came across this flagpole that had coneflowers and black-eyed-susans around it (That's what Momma called them). They were really purtty. They smelled good, too. We think someone peed there earlier.
Momma got this bright idea to take our picture in front of the flowers. Attempt #1: Bella is looking away, instead of at the camera. Notice I am posing very nicely and smiling. Cheeeeeze.
Attempt #2: I smile again, very cutely while Bella looks the OTHER way. NOT at the camera! Ughhh.
Attempt #3. For whatever reason, Bella decides to give me a KISS! Right when Momma tries to take the picture. Grrrrr. I'm getting irritated now. And its hard to keep smiling!
Attempt #4: Bella, doing a good job, FINALLY! But, MOMMA snapped the picture just when I blinked. Darn it, Momma!
5th Time's a charm. Aren't we too cute! Awwwww.
At last, back at the campsite. We all got a needed nap.
And, we had lots of cool stuff to dream about...
This is Petey. He lives with a friend of Poppas who came out to the campsite one day to see Poppa. Petey is old, like Lady. He didn't want to play. He just laid around while the hoomans talked about stuff. Petey's an okay guy.
After 4 days of camping, we were all pooped out. (Momma and Poppa picked it all up, though.) So we headed home. Bella wanted to navigate us home, so I let her take the helm next to Poppa. Here she is looking off into a corn field. Geez! This girl's got some learnin' to do!
I was happy to get home till we learned about Puppy Lewis' death. Then all our happiness kinda crashed. Poppa went to Grandma's that night and got Eddie & Lady and brought them home. We were so happy to see each other.
Love each other.