Please leave your pawprint so we'll know you were here!

It's a Beagle-rific Life

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Daddy's Tribute to Lady

Our Daddy is a newspaper writer. He goes to baseball and football and basketball and stuff like that and then writes stories about it so people who couldn't go to the game can read about it.

He wrote a story about loosing Lady and the people who decide what goes in the newspaper decided to put it in. Here's a link to it if you wanna read it. Caution: It may make your eyes leak.
Daddy and Lady's Story.

It is storming pretty big here in town tonight. Lady was always scared of thunder. Momma was saying that Lady won't have to be scared tonight.
Rest quietly sweet Lady.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Lady's passing

Lady went over the Rainbow bridge October 1st. She became so frail, lost her sight, hearing and most of her mind. She fell a lot and ran into the doors and walls all the time. Daddy said she wasn't really in there. We miss her, but we know that she is happy now, running free, playing in a field with Oscar Airdale and others who have crossed over.
Daddy was remembering when Lady adopted him. She showed up at his house about 16 years ago and just wouldn't leave. He had no choice but to let her stay. He knew he was her chosen one. They were pretty tight buds all those years.

Daddy's eyes have been leaky, but we've been helping lick up the drips. Bella is an extra good snuggler, and she has been putting in lots of overtime doing snuggle therapy.

Sorry we've been gone so long. Momma has been busy. Our Grandma moved in with us. Momma and Poppa built a room for her. She has her own mini kitchen and bathroom and everything. Its cool. Every now and then we get to go to her place, but mostly Momma sez no, that we should leave her alone. Of course, our cousin Buddy, Grandma's dog, moved with her, so she is here, too. Its been busy. We're all trying to figure out how we fit together with this new arrangement.

We're trying to figure out how to get Grandma to give us jerky treats more. Tee Hee!
Whoofs & Baroos to all you pooches. Love each other.
Eddie, Bella & Peaches

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Scooter dog Eddie

I have taken up a new hobby! Mom and Dad got Maxi-Scooters. Not those little ones like the college kids ride around campus, but big ones. They asked me if I wanted to try riding. I said sure, but go slow. So, they tried with me in the drive way. That was okay, so we went around the block, and again, then down the parkway, then to Grandma's.
Last weekend we took a BIG ride 300 miles from home! Wow! It was great. When we got there, we met another scooter dog named Tipper. Tipper is a Yorkie and he rides in a pouch on his Momma's front.
I ride in a basket that's bungee'd onto the back seat. Momma got me Doggles which are okay, but I like them off just as soon as I get off the scooter.
Its way great fun. Its like the ultimate car window!

Monday, July 7, 2008

Vacation is done fur now.

We're back from our long vacation. It was great. We hiked and napped and Poppa grilled food outside that smelled mmmmm good! When Momma gets time after unpacking she says she will load some pictures so we can post them.

Hey, does anydog know Beanie the Beagle? They signed our guestbook We'd sure like to baroo at them but dont' know how to contact them.

Whoofs to ya'll.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Happy Independence Day!

We've been camping since last Friday! We came home so Momma and Poppa could do some laundry and restock the camper fridge.
Unfortunately, this year the Missouri State Parks folks won't let more than 2 dogs camp at a campsite unless they are like service dogs or something, or have their CGC (Canine Good Citizenship) certificate from the AKC. So, next week, we are meeting with Bella's teacher to have a pre-evaluation and see where we all stand. She is going to tell Mom what a
ll we need work on. Then when Momma thinks we're ready, we will have to take a test.

I HOPE Eddie can find his glasses by then! I think he packed them away with the Christmas cards. That's about the only time he uses them, but he will prolly need them for the test.
Anyway, since only 2 doggies can go, Eddie has stayed at Gramma's. Lady, because she is so old a decrepittated is staying home and a dog-sitter comes by to take care of her a couple times a day. Gramma was a fraid to have her over in case something happened.
So, Me (Peaches) and Bella got to go camping. I sneaked up into Momma and Poppa's bed when they weren't looking! Tee hee!

Here's our Grandpeoples. They came and camped with us for part of our trip. We all took walks. They like to walk us. We like it, too. We'r glad they came camping with us. By the way, Bella says to tell you that she was NOT pulling that child along. He was just going too slow and she was trying to get him to go faster.
So, we're going back to camping soon. See ya'll later.
Peaches! Barrooooo!

Monday, June 23, 2008

Beagle Buddies and Camping

We met some nice beagles recently. We joined this Beagle Buddies group in our town. They get together once a month and let all the beagles run around together and play. Its really cool. Momma thought we would all run together like hunting beagles do in a pack, but instead, we all just sniffed everything for a long time. Then we trotted around together.

Here's some of us getting a drink. Recognize the fluffy one?? Tee hee! Its ME! Eddie!!! I am only half beagle, but they let me join in, too.

Here's Peaches doing what she does best... Sleeping! We were camping. Doesn't matter where we are, she manages to find a good place to snooze. She's not choozey when it comes to snoozey. Hee Hee. I made a rhyme!

Here's me, Eddie, with my new haircut on the way to camping. I know, I look kinda weird for a few days right after its cut. Its had a week's growth now. It looks much better.
Keep on woofin!
Whoofs & Baroos,
Eddie, Peaches, Bella & Lady

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

We're still here...

Hi, all. We're still around. Just taking a break. Mom has been in a class and stuff and so we didn't get to blog for a looooooong time. Hope ya'll can furgive us. We've been checkin' in on some of your blogs from time to time, though. Keeping an eagle-beagle eye on you!

We'll try to post more now that class is over! We even got to go camping last weekend! FINALLY!
More posts coming...
Whoofs & big Baroos!
Eddie, Peaches, Bella & Lady

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Gotta do whatcha gotta do.

Me and Bella were thinkin that we need a new toy. We listened to the Squeeky Deeky song that we put on the blog and we think we need a squeeky deeky. So, we're thinkin on how we can get Momma to get us one...

Two beagle heads are better than one.
So, if we act like we're really, really sad, or even sick, maybe Momma will feel so sorry for us...
Does this look pitiful enough?
Eddie, that's not a pitiful look! Is that the best you can do?

Like this, Eddie...
See, it worked!!!!! Hah! Happy now. ZZZzzzzzzzzzzz.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Puzzles Me

I have been working very hard on this puzzle all winter. Now I have completed it. Let me tell you, it's not easy when you do not have thumbs to pick up those little, flat pieces and put them in place. I really despise winter and I don't like it either. It is entirely too cold for a short-haired type like me.I am ready for spring now and whatever it brings. Do you like my puzzle? It is a cowboy and his horse and their covered wagon. I think about the hardships the cowboys and pioneers faced as they crossed the plains heading west so many years ago. I wonder if they had Beagles with them?
Barooooooo to all you good pooches!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Squeeky Deeky

Well, I found my glasses, so we're back in business! They were stuck in my fur and when Mom gave me a bath, we found them. Go figure!

There was a cool dog CD in the paper here in town the other day. The newspaper did a story about happy dogs songs. Take a listen to this song called Squeeky Deeky. You'll have to go to that page, then click on the link to the Squeeky Deeky song. But you better do it soon. They only leave things on for a few days.

When we heard it, Bella ran and got the snowman squeeky. We love this song! Maybe Momma will buy the CD for us.

It got nice and warm here today. We tied the all-time high record. It was great! Momma went in the yard and cleaned up our stuff since it thawed out. We can't figure out why she wants a collection of that stuff. Ick.

Take care everyone. We luv our DWB frens!
Whoofs & Baroos,

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Missing: Wire-Rimmed Glasses

We just wanted to check in and let everyone know that we're still here. Eddie lost his glasses and he types for us. Momma is typing for us right now.
We will post again when Eddie finds his glasses. Here's a picture of him in them that we took back at Christmas. If you see them somewhere, let us know!
Whoofs & Baroos,
Eddie, Peaches, Bella & Lady

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

7 Things

Our friend Abby asked us to post 7 interesting or strange things about our dogselves. We will try...
1. Eddie and Bella love the cold and the outdoors. Lady and Peaches are weather wimps and stay in as much as possible.
2. Lady gets special dog food from a can because she has bad kidneys. Eddie gets the spoon that Momma uses to scoop the special food out with. He will not eat his dinner till he gets the spoon! Now is that a spoiled brat or what!
3. Eddie is half beagle. His Momma was a real, whole, tricolor beagle just like Peaches and Bella. Eddie is white and fluffy, and wirey. The dogter thinks his Poppa must've been a Westie. We will never know.

4. Peaches likes lettuce.
5. Bella is never in a bad mood. She is happy and chipper from the minute she gets up in the morning till she goes to bed at night. Momma says she is pure, unrefined JOY.
6. Lady sleeps 23.9 hours a day. Okay, maybe that's an exaggeration, but you rarely see pictures of her on the blog, do you? That's because she's always sleeping somewhere. Momma says that's because she's 17 years old. Momma says she's entitled to sleep as much as she wants.
7. We love camping and sure do wish it would turn into summer soon. Remember summer: Green grass; bugs to chase; Warm sunshine on our bellies when we lay in the grass; Camping!

We would tag someone, but I think most have been tagged. If we haven't heard from you, please DO tell us your 7 things.

Hope that helps you learn a little about us, Abby and everydog and GG.
Whoofs & Baroos,
Eddie, Peaches, Bella, and (when she wakes up) Lady

Monday, February 18, 2008

What's that Noise?

Daddy says he was whistling, but, Uhhhh, I don't know bout that!
Signed, Confused, okay, Peaches

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

15 Inch Beagle "UNO" Takes Westminster!

Isn't he hamsome! Oh, my dogness.
I, Peaches, think I'm in love.
But, he is a big star and surely wouldn't have anything to do with little ol' me from the river bluffs of Missouri.

BArooooo! To you, too, UNO! You should be so proud! We are very proud to have a BEAGLE win the Westminster.Look at him eat. Wow. Right off a silver platter. He's my kind of guy.
I think I'll have sweet dreams of him tonight. baROOOOOOOO!

Thank you, Jazz & Dixie for the award. We are so appreciative.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Our new friend Snoutbeagle gave us a thinker award! We are so honored it made us BArooooOOOO! It made Peaches blush.Bella says, "Who us?" We think Diesel must've seen our Poppa's bumper sticker that says, "My beagle is smarter than your honor student." Hah! Not really. Diesel says he awarded us the award cuz of our link to BREW, Beagle Rescue Education and Welfare, an organization to find forever homes for discarded beagles and help educate their new families about caring for them. Diesel was adopted from BREW!

Here are the rules attached to the Thinking Blogger Award:

1. You must write a post with links to 5 blogs that make you think. (No squirrel or cat blogs, they'll just make you hungry.)
2. Acknowledge and link to this post.
3. Optional: Proudly display the 'Thinking Blogger Award' with a link to the post that you wrote.
4. Tell your humans to fork over the treats

We are awarding this award (is that redundant?) to Tatum Tot, a real thinker pup who is going to school, Abby of Abby & Sophie because Abby went to puppy school, agility beagle Xsara because she does lots of learnin' to do all that obstacle stuff so well, Camry the Guide Dog Puppy because, well, need we explain??? And last but most definately not least, Mitch of Maggie & Mitch. We remember how hard he worked last fall learning to climb the stairs. He is such a smart boy!

We chose these thinking doggies because their peoples believe in getting them an education. Its the only way for a dog to get ahead these days. Otherwise, if people and their pups don't learn how to communicate, everyone just gets mad, and lots of doggies end up in shelters.

Me (Eddie), Lady and Bella were rescues. Luckily our new Momma and Poppa learned how to communicate with us so we can all get along better. Peaches has just been a spoiled rotten brat child since birth. Its pathetic.
BTW, No pics of me tonight. Momma just attacked me with the clippers and cut all my hair off. I'm going to have to put on my blue cammo fleece suit that Butchy & Snickers' Momma made me to stay warm!

Whoofs & Baroos,

Monday, January 28, 2008

Momma's Helpers

We're bored. There's just not much to do. The snow is melting and the yard is icky (says Momma) so we can't go out cuz we will just make tracks in the house. Hmmmph.

So, me and Bella decided to help Momma do the dishes. Mmmm. Its a fun thing. There was some really good stuff on the cutting board. Here I am 'prewashing' it for Momma. Hee Hee!

Have a great week all!

Wednesday, January 23, 2008


Snowflakes sure are pretty. We got a bunch more of them today.

If we had fingers and opposable thumbs, we could get some paper and scissors and make some fun snowflakes. Here's a fun link. Give it a try. You don't need fingers, just grab your mouse with your paws and start cutting. Have fun!
Whoofs & Baroos,
Eddie, Peaches, Bella and Lady

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Baby Casey Update

Casey's Poppa sent this picture of her to our Momma. As you can see, Casey is doing a great job getting comfy on the sofa. We hear that she loves her little people siblings and is doing well. She's still having a little trouble with the potty thing, there's an accident every now and then, and she chews on stuff and mostly she likes to 'share' the little peoples' snacks with them.

She is loved, and we're sure she is giving lots of love, too.

Pooches Smooches,
Eddie, Peaches, Bella & Lady

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Happy Birthday to Meeee!

It was my barkday Thursday. I am TWO years old. We had a little barkday treat that Momma gave me. It was pepperoni flavored Woofy Pop Popcorn. Mmmm. Doesn't it look yummy all warm and smellin' good right out of the cooker box. (I think they call it a maker-wave or something.)Momma passed out tidbits to us. I was a good girl and shared with my siblings. Mmmmmm. I am in my Terrible, I mean Terrific Twos. I'm feeling very reflective in my adulthood. This is me and Sissy Bella gazing out the window, waiting for squirrels or cats to visit. Butchy & Snickers gave us this award. They are such good buddies. We would like to award it to all the DWB'ers for being such good blogger friends!
Be good to each other everydog and Hampsterriers and Cats.
Pooches Smooches,