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It's a Beagle-rific Life

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Our new friend Snoutbeagle gave us a thinker award! We are so honored it made us BArooooOOOO! It made Peaches blush.Bella says, "Who us?" We think Diesel must've seen our Poppa's bumper sticker that says, "My beagle is smarter than your honor student." Hah! Not really. Diesel says he awarded us the award cuz of our link to BREW, Beagle Rescue Education and Welfare, an organization to find forever homes for discarded beagles and help educate their new families about caring for them. Diesel was adopted from BREW!

Here are the rules attached to the Thinking Blogger Award:

1. You must write a post with links to 5 blogs that make you think. (No squirrel or cat blogs, they'll just make you hungry.)
2. Acknowledge and link to this post.
3. Optional: Proudly display the 'Thinking Blogger Award' with a link to the post that you wrote.
4. Tell your humans to fork over the treats

We are awarding this award (is that redundant?) to Tatum Tot, a real thinker pup who is going to school, Abby of Abby & Sophie because Abby went to puppy school, agility beagle Xsara because she does lots of learnin' to do all that obstacle stuff so well, Camry the Guide Dog Puppy because, well, need we explain??? And last but most definately not least, Mitch of Maggie & Mitch. We remember how hard he worked last fall learning to climb the stairs. He is such a smart boy!

We chose these thinking doggies because their peoples believe in getting them an education. Its the only way for a dog to get ahead these days. Otherwise, if people and their pups don't learn how to communicate, everyone just gets mad, and lots of doggies end up in shelters.

Me (Eddie), Lady and Bella were rescues. Luckily our new Momma and Poppa learned how to communicate with us so we can all get along better. Peaches has just been a spoiled rotten brat child since birth. Its pathetic.
BTW, No pics of me tonight. Momma just attacked me with the clippers and cut all my hair off. I'm going to have to put on my blue cammo fleece suit that Butchy & Snickers' Momma made me to stay warm!

Whoofs & Baroos,


Tatum Tot said...

Ooo hey so cool I got an award! Yippee! Thank you! I am a hard thinker... the Mum made me think about ringing some dumb chimes today with Liver hanging offa them. I am gonna go post about that too!

Girl Girl Hamster said...

That's a pawsome award you doggies got. :)

~ Girl girl


Hi Guys,
Congratualtions on your award. We are so happy that people are starting to realise that we beagles are thinkers too! We don't pay any more attention to all those books that rank us near to bottom for IQ. Way to go guys and way to go to your mum and dad for rescuing you and providing you with such a great home.

Jazz and Dixie

Amber-Mae said...

Great award!

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Jake and Joanna said...

thanks for the award!!! :)

Dandy Duke said...

Thank you so much for choosing me! I climb stairs real good now! So good that mom has me gated downstairs all the time!
Hey, Eddie - I think I might be getting a haircut too!

Yer friend,

Snowball said...

Training is indeed very important. Jie jie demand a certain degree of discipline in me(To me, I think its a lot but she is not contented. You see, I can be trusted to walk around without leash and will stay still when I am being asked to wait or stop and I always look back to check on my hooman and make sure they are in sight. Isn't that enough?)

Jie jie says if one day any mishaps happens to her, being more discipline will let me have a better chance to find a home. I think she think too much but thats how life is for me... sigh... poor me...


Abby said...

Congratulations on the award! I was a rescue pup, too, and boy am I glad my family got me! I love my new home!
Have a great weekend!

Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

Hey pals, congrats on your award! J x

Katherine and Pippa said...

All of us dogs are thinking. It's a shame some of those human don't seem to manage it sometimes.

Great pic of Peaches.


Islay said...

Hi Beaglies! Remember - all dogs think, it's just that not all humans can understand or appreciate the manner in which it's done! You have some terrific humans. Congratulations on your awards!


Sophia and Abby said...

I'm so excited! Thank you! I never got an award before...I hope Sophia doesn't get jealous, but she didn't have to go to puppy school like I did. Abby

snoutbeagle said...

What a wonderful reason to pass on the award! Thinking pups are happy pups. When Diesel and Marvin do tricks they smile from floppy ear to floppy ear. The treats don't hurt either. ;)

But you are very right ... anything we can do to build communication with our best friends is all good. And if everyone put in the effort there would be less shelter dogs.

Full body wags,
Diesel and Marvin

P.S. Marvin is the BREW beagle. :) Diesel was rescued by a grass-roots all-breed foster network in rural SW Wisconsin called CASA ... thank heavens for them, their good hearts, and hard work!

Peanut said...

You guys so deserve that award.


Hi Guys,
We have another award for you so stop by to see it.
Hope you all have a great weekend in the snow!
Jazz and Dixie

Abby said...

Tag, you're it!
I tag you for the 7 strange things game. It's on my blog, take a look!

Bella said...

Hey Pups - a big congratulations on your award - well deserved
- love your work

Islay said...

congratulations on your award! It's something to get a thinking award, though I believe thinking to be an overrated activity for myself; I prefer sleep.
