Here are the rules attached to the Thinking Blogger Award:
1. You must write a post with links to 5 blogs that make you think. (No squirrel or cat blogs, they'll just make you hungry.)
2. Acknowledge and link to this post.
3. Optional: Proudly display the 'Thinking Blogger Award' with a link to the post that you wrote.
4. Tell your humans to fork over the treats
We are awarding this award (is that redundant?) to Tatum Tot, a real thinker pup who is going to school, Abby of Abby & Sophie because Abby went to puppy school, agility beagle Xsara because she does lots of learnin' to do all that obstacle stuff so well, Camry the Guide Dog Puppy because, well, need we explain??? And last but most definately not least, Mitch of Maggie & Mitch. We remember how hard he worked last fall learning to climb the stairs. He is such a smart boy!
We chose these thinking doggies because their peoples believe in getting them an education. Its the only way for a dog to get ahead these days. Otherwise, if people and their pups don't learn how to communicate, everyone just gets mad, and lots of doggies end up in shelters.
Me (Eddie), Lady and Bella were rescues. Luckily our new Momma and Poppa learned how to communicate with us so we can all get along better. Peaches has just been a spoiled rotten brat child since birth. Its pathetic.
BTW, No pics of me tonight. Momma just attacked me with the clippers and cut all my hair off. I'm going to have to put on my blue cammo fleece suit that Butchy & Snickers' Momma made me to stay warm!
Whoofs & Baroos,