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It's a Beagle-rific Life

Saturday, December 15, 2007

We've Been Iced

Hi, All! We're at Grammy and Grampa's today. Our house is iced in and we have not had electricity for 5 days. So, we could not blog.

We wanted to let you all know we're okay. Grammy is letting me blog from her computer. Thank you Grammy. Plus, we're soaking up some of her heat and watching her t.v. We don't have any of those things at home.

There are branches down everywhere. Our maple trees are shredded. One of our two dogwood trees has 2 big branches down.

Pictures forthcoming when we have electricity.

Momma and Poppa are going on vacation to Florida on Monday so we may not get to blog till they get back cuz Grammy doesn't do blogging so she can't help us.

Talk to you all when we can.


Duke said...

Thank goodness you're warm and safe and okay! This has been a wicked winter for storms and it's not even officially winter yet!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Peanut said...

Thank goodness you guys are okay and have a lovely grammy and granpa to stay with.

Snowball said...

It good to know that you are safe. I didn't know that winter can be so horrible. We have never seen tress fallen due to bad weather as our weather here are pretty much the same all year round. I think I should start to learn to appreciate that.



Hi guys,
We have been away from the computer for a while because mum was busy. We are so glad to hear that you guys and your family are ok. It must have been so cold with no electricity. We will check back in with you when your mum and dad get back from their holiday. Hope they have a great time and that you guys have fun with grandma and grandpa.
Jazz and Dixie

Amber-Mae said...

Oh my, must be freezing at home with no heater on? Glad your grandma & grandpa's house has got electricity. You three keep yourselves warm again & we'll wait till you come back.

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Princess Eva and Brice said...

What nasty weather. Its good that you can stay warm and safe at your Grammy and Grandpa's house. 5 days without power must be very hard. Hope your Momma and Poppa have a good vacation. We wanted to thank you for your very cool Christmas card you sent us! We pups deserve all that stuff for putting up with these silly humans! Belly Rubs, Tasha & Eva.

Joe Stains said...

we are very glad to hear you are ok but that totally stinks that you guys lost your electricity. I bet your humans are really excited to go to warm Florida!

Girasol said...

hey guys,
please stay warm!
I got your card yesterday, thank you!

Islay said...

That's a bit harsh - going off to Florida without you for Christmas!?!

licks & slobbers

Islay said...

P.S. - here's an idea: whilst your humans are away on the beach living it up, you can come to my big birthday party!! Tell all your friends!

licks & slobbers

Kapp pack said...

Stay safe and warm! Thanks for your card!

Woo woo, Kelsey Ann

PerfectTosca said...

Wow five days without electricity! The Woman would be rabid! I'm glad you guys are ok. We got tons of snow and I love it but it makes the woman swear a lot for some reason.

Anonymous said...

Woo Eddie, Peaches, Bella and Lady...

Yikes! Sorry to hear you don't have electricity. We hope woo stay warm!! Anyroo, I wanted to let woo know that I received woo card in the mail. Thank woo so much!


Anonymous said...

Wooo gang... I forgot to tell you all that I LOVED your 12 days of Christmas. It was PAWSOME and creative!


the many Bs said...

hey Eddie & kids, we're glad that you are warm and safe. those ice storms sound pretty bad, darnit.

we got your card yesterday. thanks kiddos, you sure are talented poem writers! hee hee.


Xsara and Tani said...

I'm glad you're OK and that you have wonderful grandparents to stay with. Be safe, OK?
Love from Barby&Xsara

Bella said...

oooh ice & no electrickery for days - hope you have all survived well - sounds like you have.
Wishing you a very happy holidays & may all you wishes come true in the new year.

Hammer said...

Hi Eddie and Peaches
Our compooter broke but it was not coz of the weather. I've added a link to your blog to keep in touch. We hope you and your pawrents have a wonderful Christmas and 2008 is the bestest year for you all.
Love from Hammer

Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

Hey pals, glad to hear that you're OK. Hope your Mum and Dad have a great holiday and that you have fun with your Grandparents. Merry Xmas! J x

L said...

We are glad you are ok and have a warm place to stay (and a fun place to blog). We hope your mom and dad have a fun vacation and you get spoiled rotten by your grandparents.
Thank you for the card you sent. We loved your 12 days of Christmas - especially the 12th day (and the 5th, and 9th, and 6th, and 8th ...ok we loved them all!)
Comet and BLU

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Oh dear. stay warm and cuddle up with your grammie ok

~ Girl girl

Steve, Kat, & Wilbur said...

Do you still have ice? Hopefully not. Thank you for the card you sent us. We really like the song!! I want FIVE SIDES OF BEEF now.

Steve and Kat