So, here we are, only 9 days since we posted last! Oh my. Butchy and Snickers, our mentors, must be so ashamed of us. But, we've been busy little beagles. We've been camping, and going to classes, and taking lots of walks...

Here we are at our cousin's place . The big black German Shepherd is Carlie. You can kind of see her brother, Rance behind her and the tree. We had lots of fun together. It was like our own private dog park.
Here's the campsite with all us mutts milling around. So nice!

Here's a better picture of Carlie Bear. You notice that her right ear is lopped off. She was rescued in Chicago from a place where someone had LOTS of dogs. Most of them were starving to death. Carlie had been a breeder dog. When the ASPCA and police came in and busted the place, Carlie was nearly dead. She has had many surgeries to bring her back to good health. Today she is happy and we love to play with her. We're glad that some good hoomans came in and saved her and the rest of the doggies there.
We couldn't find any good pictures of Rance from the camping trip, so we dug into our old files and found this one from when he visited our house last year. Rance was a leader-dog puppy. Our auntie raised him for the Leader Dog people, but when he was old enough to go back and be someone's helper dog, he x-rayed with elbow displaysia. So, he washed out of the program and Auntie got first dibs on adopting him since she had raised him. They are living happily ever after. Only problem with Rance is that he thinks he is "Prince Rance". Hmmmph.
We took walks on the trails. Lots to sniff down there, ya know. Deer, turkeys, bunnies, squirrels, turdles (yes, we mean turdles... Our special name for those hard-shelled creatures).
When we got home, we were all tuckered out. Here's Peaches on her favorite blankie getting some rest.
On our camping trip last weekend, we went to Nebraska. We got stuck behind this really cool truck that Poppa called a tractor. Whatever! It was cool and we told the driver so when we finally got to pass him.
Across from our campsite in Nebraska was a pond and these geese kept teasing us. They would come over by us, then turn around and laugh and waddle away. They KNEW we couldn't get to them. Grrrrr.
Then, we saw this really cool tree with a wart on its side. The tree is really tall and the wart is really big. Its about as big as 4 or 5 Rotties all piled up on top of each other.
We heard Momma and Poppa saying camping season is going to end soon. We sure will miss camping over the winter. Maybe we can go once or twice before they put away the camper. We're keeping our paws and tails crossed.
Bella graduated. Momma forgot the camera! But, she promises to take a picture of Bella sitting nicely with her certificate. We'll post it later.
Well, I think that catches us up.
Later doggles & GG,