Lady went over the Rainbow bridge October 1st. She became so frail, lost her sight, hearing and most of her mind. She fell a lot and ran into the doors and walls all the time. Daddy said she wasn't really in there. We miss her, but we know that she is happy now, running free, playing in a field with Oscar Airdale and others who have crossed over.
Daddy was remembering when Lady adopted him. She showed up at his house about 16 years ago and just wouldn't leave. He had no choice but to let her stay. He knew he was her chosen one. They were pretty tight buds all those years.
Daddy's eyes have been leaky, but we've been helping lick up the drips. Bella is an extra good snuggler, and she has been putting in lots of overtime doing snuggle therapy.

Sorry we've been gone so long. Momma has been busy. Our Grandma moved in with us. Momma and Poppa built a room for her. She has her own mini kitchen and bathroom and everything. Its cool. Every now and then we get to go to her place, but mostly Momma sez no, that we should leave her alone. Of course, our cousin Buddy, Grandma's dog, moved with her, so she is here, too. Its been busy. We're all trying to figure out how we fit together with this new arrangement.
We're trying to figure out how to get Grandma to give us jerky treats more. Tee Hee!
Whoofs & Baroos to all you pooches. Love each other.
Eddie, Bella & Peaches