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It's a Beagle-rific Life

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Squeeky Deeky

Well, I found my glasses, so we're back in business! They were stuck in my fur and when Mom gave me a bath, we found them. Go figure!

There was a cool dog CD in the paper here in town the other day. The newspaper did a story about happy dogs songs. Take a listen to this song called Squeeky Deeky. You'll have to go to that page, then click on the link to the Squeeky Deeky song. But you better do it soon. They only leave things on for a few days.

When we heard it, Bella ran and got the snowman squeeky. We love this song! Maybe Momma will buy the CD for us.

It got nice and warm here today. We tied the all-time high record. It was great! Momma went in the yard and cleaned up our stuff since it thawed out. We can't figure out why she wants a collection of that stuff. Ick.

Take care everyone. We luv our DWB frens!
Whoofs & Baroos,


Amber-Mae said...

Hmmm, I'm not very sure is I like that song as much as you do becoz I'm no fan of squeaky toys! I want a tennis ball song!

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Dandy Duke said...

We have that CD and it's one of our favorites! Isn't that song so cool!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Amber-Mae said...

Just wanted to let you know that I've changed my blog URL becoz some crackpot has been visiting my blog & leaving mean comments & we know who it is. Just click on my name & it will direct you there.

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer


Cool song. I really does make you want to go find a squeaky toy to play along with. We love squeaky toys. Thanks for introducing that song to us.
Jazz and Dixie